In the electronic trading era, almost every electronic transactions on the internet requires a credit card or a debit card as a payment media. However we can not directly send money or receive money by using a debit card or a credit card. We need a payment processor or so called payment gateway to forward the payment into our bank account.
There are many providers who perform such services as mentioned above.
However, me must carefully choose because transactions that occurs in the internet is different from the conventional face to face transaction that requires signature.
There are few criterias in choosing a Merchant Account Provider :
America Processing is one of the Merchant Account Provider that meets the criteria mentioned above and also specialized in some industries such as Attorney, Automotive, Ecommerce, Insurance, Lodging, Petroleum, Restaurant, Retail and Telephone.
For further questions you may contact the Account Representative, or if you feel satisfied and want to apply click here.
There are many providers who perform such services as mentioned above.
However, me must carefully choose because transactions that occurs in the internet is different from the conventional face to face transaction that requires signature.
There are few criterias in choosing a Merchant Account Provider :
- Secure. An electronic transaction requires an electronic verification to avoid credit card fraud.
- Low transaction rates.
- Works with all types of business
America Processing is one of the Merchant Account Provider that meets the criteria mentioned above and also specialized in some industries such as Attorney, Automotive, Ecommerce, Insurance, Lodging, Petroleum, Restaurant, Retail and Telephone.
For further questions you may contact the Account Representative, or if you feel satisfied and want to apply click here.